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盖博建筑设计事务所 Gerber Architekten 以山水动脉形塑医校综合体



This project consists of an affiliated hospital of 167,600 sqm and a medical school of 164,000 sqm, which will be integrated into a function sharing complex with both educational and medical program. Along with the concept of "Shanshui Pulse", the shape of buildings that are embedded in the nature echoes with their multiple function needs, exploring the connection between human, nature, and space, as well as creating a harmonious architectural form that blends city and nature.



SUSTech School of Medicine & SUSTech Affiliated Hospital (Main Campus-Based)




Shanshui Pulse as Design Concept


This project is located on the campus of SUSTech in Xili University Campus, Nanshan District, Shenzhen. Both sites of affiliated hospital and medical school are of excellent environmental conditions, adjacent to hills and river. Thus, the design has proposed the necessity of harmonious interweaving between architecture and nature from the very beginning, aiming to connect and integrate the nature in a perfect form.


南方科技大学医学院及南方科技大学附属医院(校本部) - 总体效果图

©Gerber Architekten




The concept of "Shanshui Pulse" runs through the process of seeking connection with nature from various perspectives.

Not only to respect the nature - integrating buildings into the mountain, reducing the height and volume of buildings to reduce the impact on the surrounding environment including cultural sites.

But also to borrow from the nature - making use of the elevation difference to create rich external spaces, utilizing the riverside to create series of landscapes, and introducing natural features into the interior.





©Gerber Architekten


The architecture combines with the natural environment to form an organic entity, like the arterial structure of the human body, reflecting an open and shared relationship.


马睿思 Marius Ryrko



"We set out to create a positive place for human beings, a place to strive, a place to heal and recover, a place to grow and to evolve."


Echoing in Architectural Forms



The architectural form of the SUSTech Medical School and the Affiliated Hospital also resonates each other with the same design language.

The medical school uses a U-shaped motif for its architecture, while the enclosure of these forms creates a continuous outdoor space similar to the shape of a fishbone. its open and connected outdoor space is conjunct with the horizontal facade design, which maximize the view to landscape as well as activate educational communication and interaction.  



南方科技大学医学院 - 整体效果图

©Gerber Architekten


 南方科技大学医学院 - 中庭效果图

©Gerber Architekten



The Affiliated Hospital uses the opposite design language.  The U-shaped motif now becomes the outdoor virtual space, while the hospital building takes on the fishbone form, establishing an efficient and connected internal layout.

Also, in the post pandemic era, if there is a public health emergency, the fishbone layout can be quickly partitioned and isolated to effectively contain the disease.


南方科技大学附属医院(校本部) - 整体效果图

©Gerber Architekten



This architectural language of the same motif but different expression exhibits a contrasting spatial relationship.  The echo of design technique not only integrate the two-building complexes with each other; it also reflects different functional composition of the Medical School and its Affiliated Hospital.



Connection and Openness


Another possibility for future medical buildings is to integrate the medical capabilities of an area, including research, teaching, and treatment, into a university with a health center. Its design not only meets functional requirements, but also focuses on the user emotions, redefining medical and research spaces with humanized considerations, and endowing them with more openness, fluidity, and interactivity.



南方科技大学附属医院(校本部) - 入口及连廊效果图

©Gerber Architekten



南方科技大学附属医院(校本部) - 疗愈庭院效果图

©Gerber Architekten 



 南方科技大学医学院 - 入口效果图(竞赛阶段)

©Gerber Architekten



In this project, the medical school aims to create a pleasant academic atmosphere, while the affiliated hospital aims to "redefine hospital" and "heal in the Shanshui".

Both designs incorporate a natural and humanistic atmosphere - not only setting basic elements like layout, circulation, and entrances with consideration of different groups of users; but also combining the garden environment to provide a space for communication, relaxation and rich experience; further more, stylizing rooftop as an artistic fifth facade to harmonize the relationship with surrounding high-rise buildings.


 南方科技大学附属医院(校本部)- 第五立面效果图

©Gerber Architekten


 从附属医院看向医学院 - 效果图(竞赛阶段)

©Gerber Architekten



From affiliated hospital's west part that carries multiple medical programs and the east part that contains R&D and educational functions, to the school of medicine across the Dasha River and the dormitory on its north side, the design aims to create an efficient and convenient connectivity system, forming a hybrid of hospital and school that will "share and integrate functions of health care and education".

In the future, it will become a new comprehensive community that integrating medical treatment, scientific research, and healing space, and exploring more possibilities for utilizing nature in healing, medical education, and medical practice.


南方科技大学附属医院(校本部) - 河景效果图

©Gerber Architekten



 南方科技大学附属医院 - 西楼四层平面图

©Gerber Architekten


 南方科技大学附属医院 - 东楼四层平面图

©Gerber Architekten


南方科技大学医学院 - 行政综合楼首层平面图

©Gerber Architekten



 南方科技大学医学院 - 宿舍楼标准层平面图

©Gerber Architekten



项目信息Project Data







建设时间(医学院) :2023-2026


用地面积(医学院) :63,600 平方米

用地面积(附属医院):55,000 平方米

建筑面积(医学院) :164,000 平方米

建筑面积(附属医院):167,600 平方米

设计联合体:盖博建筑设计事务所Gerber Architekten/深圳华森建筑与工程设计顾问有限公司







埃克哈德 • 盖博教授 Prof. Eckhard Gerber,马睿思 Marius Ryrko,李博 Bo Li,吕品 Pin Lu,朱海熹 Haixi Zhu,Mario Barkley,谭东岳 Dongyue Tan,Sean Hoo Chng, 林钰 Yu Lin,杨迪雯 Diwen Yang,蒋舒田 Shutian Jiang,Szabolcs Veress, 林琪 Qi Lin, 刘雅冰 Yabing Liu

SUSTech School of Medicine &
SUSTech Affiliated Hospital (Main Campus-Based)

Owner: SUSTech

Client: Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality

Type: Medical, Educational

Location: SUSTech, Shenzhen, China

Competition: 2020-2021

Construction (Medical School): 2023-2026

Construction (Affiliated Hospital): 2023-2027

Site (Medical School): 63,600 sqm

Site (Affiliated Hospital): 55,000 sqm

GFA (Medical School): 164,000 sqm

GFA (Affiliated Hospital): 167,600 sqm


Design Consortium: Gerber Architekten/ Huasen Architecture and Engineering Design Consulting Co., Ltd.

(Masterplanning, Architecture, Landscape, Interior)

Engineering Consulting (Medical School): Beijing Gauging Consultants Co., Ltd./ Huasen Architecture and Engineering Design Consulting Co., Ltd.

Construction Design (Medical School): CAPOL Engineering Design Consulting Limited Company

Engineering Consulting (Affiliated Hospital): Shanghai Tongji Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd

Construction Design (Affiliated Hospital): Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.

Gerber Architekten Team:

Prof. Eckhard Gerber, Marius Ryrko, Bo Li, Pin Lu, Haixi Zhu, Mario Barkley, Dongyue Tan, Sean Hoo Chng, Yu Lin, Diwen Yang, Shutian Jiang, Szabolcs Veress, Qi Lin, Yabing Liu


关于盖博建筑设计事务所 About Architects

盖博建筑设计事务所(Gerber Architekten)是1966年始创于德国的跨文化国际设计顾问公司。目前,盖博建筑在全球共有7个分部:在德国,除总部位于多特蒙德之外,在柏林、汉堡、明斯特和杜塞尔多夫分别设有办公室;中东分部设在沙特阿拉伯首府利雅得;中国分部位于上海。全球共有团队成员300余人。成立57年间,盖博建筑在城市规划、建筑设计和室内设计领域完成设计服务项目上千个,其中建成项目超300个,多次荣获国际设计大奖及专业委员会的高级认证。

Gerber Architekten is a multi-cultural architecture and design firm, which was founded in Germany in 1966 and now has 7 offices with more than 300 employees all over the world, including headquarters in Dortmund, German offices in Berlin, Hamburg, Münster, and Düsseldorf, and international offices in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) and Shanghai (China).

In nearly 60 years, Gerber Architekten has practiced across fields of urban planning, architecture, and interior design, designing over 1000 projects, completing more than 300 projects, and receiving numerous international design awards, as well as senior certifications from professional committees.  


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